An invitation to our 2023 AGM and social on Thursday 16th February 2023 at 7pm - 9pm.
The Green Man Gallery
Hardwick Studios, Hardwick Square S, Buxton SK17 6PY
1. Notice of Meeting
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of AGM 2021
4. Chairman's Report
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Report of work experience project by Paul Bohan.
7. Election of Officers
8. Election of Committee
9. Any Other Business
The business meeting will be short. There will be an opportunity to enjoy refreshments in return for a small donation before and after our business meeting. We will appoint committee members and the officers of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. If you would like to nominate someone please do not hesitate to contact acting Chair Ian Hamilton on ikhamilton@hotmail.co.uk or Secretary Keith Ray on keithSJRay@outlook.com, either by email or on the night.